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VocoAI was founded in 2020 with the goal of revolutionizing the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). In November 2023, VocoAI is pleased to announce that it has now officially become a part of the Hungarian company Amura Group Kft and has come under the management of Amura Group. Since its inception, the company has achieved numerous milestones in the NLP space. Some of these milestones include:

  1. August, 2020: Launch and Start of Development VocoAI was formally founded in August 2020 with the aim of developing innovative technology that leverages natural language processing (NLP). This marked the beginning of the company's journey towards revolutionizing the way people communicate with computers.
  2. August, 2022: Development of the Technology After nearly two years of intensive research and series of development experiments, VocoAI's technology was finally ready. The company had made significant progress in perfecting NLP algorithms, which could now understand human language with greater accuracy.
  3. September, 2022: Release of the Tech Demo G.O.D VocoAI released its first tech demo called G.O.D. This demo allowed users to experience the company's technology in action and see how it could help improve communication between humans and computers.
  4. October, 2022: Popularity Among Reddit Users The G.O.D demo received a lot of attention on Reddit, and VocoAI quickly grew to over 1000 testers. People were fascinated by the technology's ability to understand and respond to human language.
  5. October, 2022: Significant Improvement to the NLP Model VocoAI made big changes to its NLP model, improving its ability to hold a dialogue and communicate with users more effectively. This caught the attention of Reddit users, and the company's tester base grew rapidly to over 3000 people.
  6. October, 2022: Incorporation of Holding Company VocoAI incorporated a holding company in Cetinje, Montenegro, to better manage their operations and to provide a strong foundation for its future growth and development.
  7. November, 2022: Introduction to Digital Den VocoAI had its first introductionary meeting with Digital Den, a startup accelerator that could help the company further its mission.
  8. January, 2023: Start of Development of Own TTS Solution VocoAI began development on its own text-to-speech (TTS) solution, which would allow the company to provide a complete end-to-end communication experience for its users.
  9. January, 2023: Launch of Threader AI VocoAI launched Threader AI, a new product capable of holding conversations with users on Reddit. This was part of the company's mission to expand its knowledge base, improve its self-learning algorithms, and communicate more effectively with its users.
  10. February, 2023: SkyNet Post Development Began We enjoyed the notion of AI interacting with live data, which is how we came up with the idea of building a fully autonomous AI newspaper that functions, creates and moderates content independently.
  11. March, 2023: SkyNet Post Went Live After a month straight of hard labor, the first completely AI-filled, regulated, and monitored online newspaper had officially gone public.
  12. June, 2023: Own Servers After several months of negotiations with the American aggregator, VocoAI now has its own servers with the most advanced hardware to support its research and continuous development efforts.
  13. August, 2023: xLLM Development VocoAI has initiated the development of its proprietary solution catering to the generative text models industry, specifically targeting increased accessibility for developers and a more lenient approach towards certain rules. The objective is to avoid constraining the model with human biases.
  14. October, 2023: xLLM Launch The pilot version of xLLM has been successfully laid out and the first access credentials have been granted to our business partners who contributed to the creation of certain components of the models and offered ongoing assistance during the development process. The initial iteration of the API has begun functioning and successfully processing incoming requests.
  15. November, 2023: Merge with Amura Group In November, VocoAI officially became a part of the Hungarian firm Amura Group Kft. and consolidated into a single organization under shared administration.

Throughout its history, VocoAI has remained focused on delivering innovative and high-quality NLP technology to its customers, and the company continues to work towards its mission of becoming the leading provider of NLP solutions in the world.

1. Secure Investment
2. Expand Community
3. Offer Free API for Independent Developers

About VocoAI:
The Gateway for the world of NLP AI. VocoAI is a pioneering research group, entirely sponsored by own funds and your support, founded by Patryk Loan and Andrew, which is poised to change the face of human-computer interactions. Our technology leverages state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) to create life-like conversations between humans and digital assistants, bots, and other interactive applications. In simple terms, the technology works by analyzing the structure and meaning of human language, and then generating an appropriate response. Our current NLP model requires minimal training data, making it accessible for customers with no technical background to integrate our solution into their products and achieve their goals with ease. With the ability to understand and respond to human queries in a more natural and context-sensitive manner, VocoAI is poised to transform the way we interact with technology. From support chatbots to autonomous digital assistants and beyond, the possibilities are limitless, and our goal is to make it effortless for customers to tap into the full potential of our innovative technology.

What Sets VocoAI Apart:
We offer this product as a comprehensive solution, making it accessible for people without technical expertise, with a constantly growing range of features. Our focus on user-friendliness is and remains a key aspect. What truly makes us unique is the combination of core technologies that allows the digital beings to hold conversations in a manner similar to humans, a feat that wasn't feasible until recent advancements in the field, which is our main draw. Our target market is small businesses and indie developers who want to add more realistic and immersive conversations to their products, without investing a lot of time and money.

Embedding Technology:
If you're interested in integrating our technology into your product, you can sign up for our API waitlist. As a special benefit for our supporters, those who have joined us on Patreon will be given priority on the list.

Technical Demo:
To explore more about our technology, check out Project G.O.D, our online technical demo. You'll have the opportunity to engage in a conversation with Wanderer, a digital being designed to challenge your thoughts and provoke meaningful discussions. Due to server maintenance costs, we currently have limitations on the number of questions and duration of the demo. However, we're working to lift these restrictions as soon as possible. In due time, you can join us on Patreon to support our efforts and gain exclusive access to an extended demo with Wanderer. By doing so, you can help us continue to develop and improve our technology.

Contact Us:
For general inquiries: [email protected]
For legal inquiries: [email protected]